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  • 86-28-86119698 86119628
  • 成都市锦江区百日红西路398号

IB School Code:006752


International Baccalaureate or IB, an international high school program registered and recognized by the UNESCO, is designed for children of senior foreign executives stationed abroad like envoys and for outstanding students of the world. The IB diploma enables students to apply for over 2000 universities of the world, such as Harvard University, Yale University, Oxford Universities, Cambridge University and so on. Moreover, outstanding IB students may also get credit deduction, receive special scholarship, or even directly skip to study sophomore courses.

Authorized in January 2012, our IB diploma program is the only one offered by a public school in Southwest China. For the past years, we have maintained a high standard in both admission and education, which resulted in an encouraging result for the all cohorts of IBDP graduates. In the past May examinations, the average IB diploma scores have all surpassed the global average and the average score of Asia Pacific region. Above 97% graduates were awarded with a diploma. All of the graduates were admitted to top universities around the world, such as Duke University, Northwestern University, University of California-Los Angles, Imperial College London, McGill University, University of Toronto and Australian National University. Following the educational philosophy of the IB program, and in association with students’ efforts and teachers’ guidance, we are confident that our IB students will have a bright future and contribute to a better world.